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foot pain
 Common foot problems  常見腳部問題

Healthy feet, healthy mind, body & sole

The human foot is an amazingly strong structure, capable of handling hundreds of tons of force every day. The foot's myriad of parts work in harmony, getting you from one place to another, but the stress of carrying you around puts your feet at high risk of injury, more so than other parts of your body.

Our list of Common Foot Problems helps highlight issues, but our expert staff and podiatrists are here to help and assist you in all aspects of your foot health.

Common Foot Problems 常見腳部問題

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot pain, especially in the heel and arch. The plantar fascia is a flat band of tissue that connects your heel bone to your toes, supporting the arch of your foot. If you strain your plantar fascia, it gets weak, swollen & inflamed.

Our Custom Insoles help with plantar fasciitis by providing strength and support to the arch. By holding the foot in its optimal position, the insoles help stabilise the arch to allow healing & recovery of the plantar fascia ligament.

腳底筋膜炎 Plantar Fasciitis

Hallux Valgus (Bunion)

Hallux valgus is a common forefoot problem and refers to a prominent lump which tends to grow out from the inside of the foot, at the big toe joint.

FootBalance custom insoles will help reduce the stress placed on the bunion, so you are able to walk with increased comfort. Moreover, the supportive nature of the custom insoles will help in controlling any foot posture problems that could make the bunion worse, or lead to other foot conditions. We would also recommend the use of wide-fitting footwear featuring soft leathers.

𧿹趾外翻 Bunion

Flat Feet

Flat feet, also known as low or collapsed arches, make you vulnerable to conditions that cause pain anywhere across the bottom of your feet, mostly in the heel & arch, and can affect your ability to walk or run freely. Flat feet can also create issues in the lower back or knees.

FootBalance custom insoles are dynamic and flex with the foot, activating muscles & tendons to strengthen your arches. Wearing our custom insoles can help stabilise or prevent further injuries or reduce painful conditions.

扁平足 Flat Feet

High Arches

A high arch means your feet don't make proper contact with the ground, impacting the way your feet move and function. As your foot strikes the ground, impact pressure is not distributed evenly across the foot, which can cause foot-related problems, such as painful foot ulcers.

FootBalance Custom Insoles will support a high arch, ensuring the foot is properly aligned, providing cushioning and shock-absorption to ensure your feet stay healthy and active.

高足弓 High Arches

Foot Pain

Pain in the foot is typically experienced in the heel, arch or toes. Treating foot pain is really important because otherwise, your quality of life can be seriously affected.

FootBalance Custom Insoles provide support, balance and cushioning which help in reducing foot pain and preventing foot-related problems.

腳痛 Foot Pain Illustration

Arch Pain

Having painful arches is a common foot complaint and can be a sign of foot conditions such as plantar fasciitis, flat feet, high arches, among others.

Together with arch strengthening exercises, FootBalance Custom Insoles help manage arch pain by reducing the main stresses which contribute to the pain, whilst providing the required support to the foot arch so it is able to function efficiently.

足弓痛  Arch Pain Illustration

Heel Pain

A common form of foot pain that can be caused by other complaints, such as heel spurs - an abnormal bony growth causing inflammation - or plantar fasciitis, which can cause pain at the heel bone, often experienced as you take the first steps in the morning or after resting.

Our custom insoles help correct any foot misalignment which may be causing stress on the heel bone & help promote healthy foot function to aid recovery.

腳跟痛  Heel Pain Illustration

Knee Pain (Runner's Knees)

Runner's knee or IT band syndrome, is sharp pain on the outside of the knee or hip caused by friction between your iliotibial band & knee or hip. This friction can be due to different factors, including a foot malposition, leg length discrepancy, tight hamstrings or IT bands, foot structure or muscle imbalances.

FootBalance Custom Insoles, together with suitable footwear, can help offer relief from runner's knee, by properly supporting your feet in a healthy, neutral position to improve leg alignment & foot function.

膝蓋疼痛 Knee Pain or Runner's Knees

Back Pain

Your feet are the foundation to your body and if your feet are misaligned, the rest of your body will not be in balance, which is why people with foot posture problems often complain of pain in the lower back region.

FootBalance Custom Insoles are moulded to your feet in a neutral position, providing the appropriate levels of support, balance & cushioning your feet require. Supporting your feet in the optimal position reduces excess stress placed on your lower back and can alleviate pain.

背痛 Back Pain Illustration

+852 6032 0086

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